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Translation for I-800

About the Child's File

Upon being matched with a prospective child, a family will often receive a child's file (the timing in which the family may receive this file will vary from country to country). This file comes from the Central Authority that handles adoption in each country and it will commonly include the following documents which need to be translated for a family’s 800.

  • Social Reports/ Integral Reports – This will include information on the child's current social condition and any past history that may be known. Topics we often see covered are an overview of how the child entered protective care, any known background information, the child’s adaptation to the orphanage or foster home where they are currently residing, health and nutrition information, academic information, physical and personality description, and motor and language skills.

  • Medical Documents – current medical evaluation

  • Abandonment Decree - a legal document that officially declares the child as abandoned

How We Translate

Quote: To produce a quote, your documents must be submitted to us. Once we have the documents, we do a word count of the document in Spanish and calculate this at $0.08/ word. This gives us an estimation for the final costs and this is what we provide to you as your quote for the translations.

Translation Time Frame: When we provide you with a quote, we will also give you a length of time for when the translations will be completed. This will vary depending on the quantity and content of the documents. Documents that contain more complexities (local language, charts, medical and/or legal terminology) can lengthen the translation process. Generally, a full set of adoptive child paperwork (social report, medical report, abandonment decree, matching letter, and birth certificate) will take about 4-7 days.

Project Accepted: Once you notify us that you have accepted our quote, we immediately begin translating your documents. During this time, we will be in touch with you as we progress. We will provide rough drafts and communicate with you about any concerns we notice in your documents (missing pages, missing documents, etc.). Additionally, we are available by phone and email to address any questions, concerns, or changes you may have during this time (receiving additional documents, changes to your timeline, etc.)

Final Translations: Once a project is complete, we notify you and provide you with an invoice. Upon receiving your payment, we provide you with all the final drafts and USCIS cover letters in PDF form for you to print and use for your 800 application and to provide your adoption agency as well. 

Pricing - Pricing is  approximately $0.08/ word. This will vary depending on the complexity of the documents, the time frame at which you need the translations to be complete and how much repetition exists within the documents.

Who We Translate For

You - We translate with parents in mind. Your translations will include Translator Footnotes which is information that we include in order for you to better understand your documents, children, and their life prior to entering your home. 

Your Children - We translate with your child in mind. We include names and locations in both Spanish and English so that your child can find locations and places that were associated with their life prior to adoption. 

USCIS - A child’s file must be fully translated and submitted to immigration in order for a family to receive their 800 and progress with their adoption. Immigration requires verification of the documents being true and accurate translations of the original documents. We provide all necessary translations and cover letters for your documents to be submitted to USCIS.

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