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Guatemalan Market

Document Translation

I-800 Translation

I-800 Document Translation

Once you receive your child's documents from their country of origin (social and medical reports, abandonment decree, etc.), we translate this full file to meet the necessary requirements for the I-800 with US immigration.

Indviual Documen Translation

Individual Document Translation

Unlike for an I-800 document translation, in which we translate all the documents in a child's file, we also translate individual documents that you need, upon request. 

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Child File Transl Summary

Child File Translation Summary

The translations summary is a summary that we put together in English to aid you as you are considering adopting prospective children. If you receive a potential child's file (often referred to as a "waiting child's file") in Spanish, we will put together an English summary of their information. This is more affordable than the word-for-word translation required by immigration but will still provide you with an overview of the child's information that is included in the documents. Select below to see a list of the items we aim to include.


Translation Summary Sample 

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Post Adoption Translation

Post Adoption Translation

Once you return home with your adopted child/children, oftentimes you will also come home with many additional documents in Spanish that have information on your child.  We can help you by skimming the Spanish to figure out what each file contains and working with you on prioritizing which of these documents you would like to translate to help you better know and understand your child. ​ Once translated, these are also documents that can be provided to your child in their adult years so as gifts or information as they may begin their our journey of understanding their past.

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